World Inside of an Aphasia Mind

ReneMarie will intimately describe how it feels………………. Inside the World of an Aphasic Mind.
Aphasia is a "silent" life changing effect of stroke or brain trauma
RenéMarie herself had a Stroke at the age of 26, and suffered from Aphasia, a condition characterized by either partial or total loss of the ability to communicate verbally or using written words. Due to Brain Trauma, Injury or Stroke, a person with Aphasia may have difficulty speaking, reading, writing, recognizing names of objects or understanding what people have said.
RenéMarie shares….Did you ever drop something that is made out of glass and it shatters all over the place? You just look down and think….. Wow, it’s in million pieces… how am I ever going to put it back together? Possibly you won’t or if you do it will not look the same?
A person that has suffered a Stroke or Brain Trauma (which is like having your world shattered) sometimes they can’t even comprehend what they have or are experiencing. So how do you help yourself or have someone help you if your mind is shattered like that piece of glass and you don’t comprehend what has happened” ReneMarie will intimately describe how it feels………………. Inside the World of an Aphasic Mind.