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Movie Extra Innings   




A work in progress …


ReneMarie's (3rd base)diving for a foul ball

Hawtorne High School Softball

Dimond Bridge Fields Hawthorn New Jersey  


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RTPW Renee Marie
Español Programa " ReneMarie Stroke of Luck - August 13, 2018 8:30 AM

Español Programa " ReneMarie Stroke of Luck - August 13, 2018 8:30 AM Mayda Prado - B.M., M.M. en The Juilliard School y Doctorado. Profesor e International-Adjudicator for the Performing Art Nuestra Conversación destacará: MÚSICA, Pasión, Intuición, Sabiduría en la Recuperación del Trauma Cerebral - Cómo la MÚSICA es una Fuerza Sanadora ... y mucho más ... ¡Estén atentos para más detalles! Es un honor para mí anunciar que hemos confirmado la entretenida y prestigiosa entrevista con Mayda Prado (mi madre) ... Viajar desde México ... ¡VIVIR EN EL ESTUDIO! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ August 12, 2018 8:15 AM "Español Programa " August 12, 2018 9:00 AM -American Broadcast Sunday, August 12th, RenéMarie Stroke of Luck Show Broadcasting from Village Connection Network will feature special guest Mayda Prado, B.M., M.M., at The Juilliard School and Doctoral Studies...Professor and International Adjudicator for The Performing Arts.The conversation will spotlight Music, Passion, Intuition, Wisdom on Recovery from Brain Trauma and how Music is a healing force, plus so much more. RenéMarie has been gifted in her life ~ on many forefronts. Yes, she has had her struggles / life challenges but the Blessings Out Shine them - 1 million times over. As she always states - Life is not easy but "LIFE IS A GIFT" ~ we need to revel in the moments and be thankful to God for waking up each and everyday! On January 15, 1963..... RenéMarie was birth unto this earth by............... The perfect and only way for her entry into this earth! Yes, Mayda is RenéMarie's Mom! The Beginning of all the Blessings that were to gifted to RenéMarie's. They have always had a very powerful Spiritual connection plus a passion to spread LOVE and to speak through the Universal Language of Music. They also have had another common parallel LIFE path that they have Experienced . One that will definitely move you and bring LIGHT that ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE - when you listen to your guidance ~ follow your passion ~ and have FAITH! - Brain Trauma! This show will broadcast from 8:15am thru 8:45am in Spanish, and from 9 am thru 10 am in English. It is an honor to announce this prestigious interview with Mayda Prado traveling in from touring where she provides MASTER CLASSES and will be will be Live in the Village Connection Studio. You won't want to miss this! Please join us as RenéMarie and Judy Marlow will have a heartfelt personal conversation with RenéMarie's Mom- Mayda Prado. Here we go..... With Heartfelt gratitude, RenéMarieStroke of Luck TV Team! Together, we are lifting our voices and are changing the face of Strokes and Aphasia locally and around the Globe.
Empowerment / Teammate & Dear Friend - Sierra "Lisa" Bender- 2-24-19 ~ ReneMarie Stroke of Luck

Empowerment / Teammate & Dear Friend - Sierra "Lisa" Bender- 2-24-19 ~ ReneMarie Stroke of Luck ReneMarie Stroke of Luck Show Broadcasting from Village Connection Network Sunday, February 24th, from 9 am thru 10 am will feature a Very Dear Friend as well as a Softball Teammate from the Hawthorne Little League (grades 6th, 7th, 8th) and Hawthorne High School ~ Sierra “LISA” Bender. When I reflect on my life’s journey, I am humbly grateful for the gifts of relationships that God has bestowed upon me. The good ones as well as the challenging ones. In my next publication “Extra Inning” as well as when I have speaking engagements or on our Stroke Of Luck Show- you always hear me referring to how being a part of the Softball Team gave me the inner tools to overcome my Stroke Experience. While reconnecting with Sierra on the phone this past week, we spoke of our Softball Careers and how all of the abundance of tools or training that we were GIFTED to cultivate though this TEAM GAME - has provided the Foundation to move forward in life. Everyone has life experiences, we are no different… the personal connection that Sierra and I both have gone through is an out of Body Experience - where we crossed over- and are BLESSED to have the Divine intervention and communication with GOD. Sierra's life story is her near death experience on Christmas Eve, in 1995 at the young age of 32, where she suffered a rare ectopic pregnancy, causing her uterus to rupture months into her pregnancy that caused a near-death experience. She did die, crossed over to the other side and was brought back to life…After God spoke to her….. “This experience set Sierra on an inner vision quest and an outdoor adventure across the globe" (noted on her website) Sierra “Lisa” Bender is Author of "Goddess to the Core", a wonderfully presented workshop style text that is written in a holistic and inspiring manner. Sierra is a lifestyle educator and fitness trainer whose work has been featured at the Omega Institute, Kripula, and numerous Mind Body Spirit expos across the country. She also leads health and fitness retreats, sacred tours and adventures throughout the world. She has been featured in several magazines including Fit Yoga, Shape, Marie Claire, Body + Soul and others, and her clients include Celebrities, Olympic and Professional Athletes, and Wall Street & Fortune 500 CEO's. Sierra's well know retreat Boot Camp For Goddesses, Goddess Sacred Tours & Adventures and Sierra Bender Holistic Yoga Therapy Teacher Training helps women tap into their feminine strength. Sierra has learned the healing practices of the Qero, Shipibo and Inca shamans in Peru, and for over a decade studied at the Kundalini Ashram in New Mexico with Yogi Bhajan and Native American medicine men and women. TO NAME A FEW OF HER ACCOMPLISHMENTS... Her newest endeavors where she has blended her knowledge and training to create Sierra Bender 4 Body Fit, a holistic fitness, health and healing program that is designed specifically for women. This is a show that you don’t want to miss! It will bring enlightenment to your personal life. We as woman are always doing so many things for everyone and everybody… I as well. However, we need to take a look at our lives, learn how to LOVE ourselves, fulfill our souls, reconnect with nature, take the time to be in the silence and listen to where we are being guided. I am personally (as I am sure that many people that she has touched) are so proud of Sierra “Lisa” Bender… with all the challenges big, very big, and small that she has been faced with--- she has always listen to the voices inside and forged ahead to continue to bring PEACE, HOPE and LOVE to our WORLD!! As well as Woman Empowerment.... How AMAZING is that! TUNE IN! With Heartfelt gratitude, ReneMarie and The Stroke of Luck TV Team! This show, (ReneMarie Stroke of Luck Show is) Produced and Hosted by ReneMarie and Co-Hosted by Judy Marlow.
A Stroke of Faith" Special Guest Mark Moore ~ July 14, 2019 ~ ReneMarie Stroke of Luck Show!

A Stroke of Faith" Special Guest Mark Moore ~ July 14, 2019 ~ ReneMarie Stroke of Luck Show! Sunday, July 14th, ReneMarie Stroke of Luck Show is proud to announce special honored guests Mark & Brenda Moore skyping into the show airing from Village Connection Network 9 am thru 10 am. I am sure that you have heard us talk about Sharon Bean, National Executive Lead, Major Gifts at American Heart Association. ReneMarie Language of Love Foundation and ReneMarie Stroke of Luck Team has an abundance of heartfelt GRATITUDE for Sharon. She is one of a kind- and really lives her life in giving! One day, I received and email from Sharon, sharing that she was mailing me a Book and a Story that she knew I would love. She was so right...... Mark Moore had a second chance at living a life of significance. Mark always believed he was in charge of his life. All that changed on a beautiful Saturday morning May 2007. Suddenly he was no longer in control of anything. Though his life will never return to his pre-stroke normality, through this crisis, he has gained a deeper understanding of the centrality of God's role in his life and in all of our lives. Mark tells the story of moving from acceptance to surrender and from hope to faith. He is Author of "A Stroke Of Faith, the book reveals God's work in Mark's life as he transformed himself from thinking he had everything under control to knowing God has had control all along. Mark is now serving as the Mid-Atlantic Ambassador for Empowered to Serve, a major initiative of the American Heart Association in reaching out to faith based and African American communities. In 2017, ten years after his stroke, he acts as the National Ambassador for the American Heart Association's Empowered to Serve program speaking all over the country about his faith, stroke prevention and stroke recovery. In that capacity he spoke at churches, hospitals, clinics, wellness centers and community centers as well as giving workshops. Brenda Moore,( Marks Wife) who we will be honored to have joining us ~ she is a retired Registered Nurse. She earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from the State University of New York at Buffalo. At the center of Mark's philanthropic activity is his foundation. Brenda and Mark have established the Mark and Brenda Moore Family Foundation in 2010. Also, joining us are ReneMarie Language of Love Foundation Board Members Cathy and Bobby Baby Walker. As most of you already are aware.... Bobby suffered 3 Strokes in June 2017! We pray to come together on the this Glorious Sunday Morning ~ and to continue to do our Ministry work ~ Spreading AWARENESS for Strokes, saving not only LIVES - but the quality of LIVES after a Stroke and to Spreading the LOVE OF GOD ! Be sure to tune in to this amazing life story of Mark and Brenda Moore. With Heartfelt gratitude, ReneMarie Stroke of Luck TV Team! The ReneMarie Stroke of Luck Show is Hosted by ReneMarie and Co-Hosted by Judy Marlow.

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