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Celebration of Life....

1    Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.       Psalm 95:1

..... with beautiful uplifting and memorable music of your choice !

Celebrate a life in song with beautiful uplifting and memorable music of your choice at your Repass.  God created us to be instruments with the ability to sing and reveal in music. Music lifts the spirit, and can foster  a "Celebration of LIFE" while starting the healing process and  honoring your loved one.

  • Your Choice of Memorable Music

  • Option :Keyboard Player Available

  • Family & Friends Testimonial / Share Stories   

  • Uplift & Personalize your Repass

  • Option : RenéMarie Sharing in Song

SPOTLIGHT ~ Let There be Peace on Earth ~ RenéMarie "Here I am Lord" Concert - Easter April 12

SPOTLIGHT ~ Let There be Peace on Earth ~ RenéMarie "Here I am Lord" Concert - Easter April 12

SPOTLIGHT - Let There be Peace on Earth " RenéMarie "Here I am Lord" Concert - Easter Sunday April 12, 2020 ( FACEBOOK LIVE) “Here I am Lord” Performance will move you, transform the moments, provide HOPE and bring healing to your soul! RenéMarie praises God our almighty Father, through the ministry of singing~ with a divine energy and creative passion! She worships our Lord for continuing to guiding her, providing the inner strength to follow her calling and to continue to honor the promise that she made to HIM when “HE spoke to her” ​ . All Ministries, Churches, Temples, Active Adult Communities, Assisted Livings, TV Shows plus... We are all ONE--- This Performance will move you, transform the moments, provide HOPE and bring healing to your soul! A portion of the donations go to RenéMaris Language of Love Foundations INC ReneMarie Language of Love Foundation INC ReneMarie Stroke of Luck Internet TV Show r Aphasia is a "silent" life changing effect of stroke or brain traumaDid you know that nearly 80% of Strokes can be prevented? May God bless you throughout your life, may you be healthy and be filled with PEACE, HOPE & LOVE.
SPOTLIGHT - Ave Maria ~ RenéMarie "Here I am Lord" Concert - Easter Sunday April 12, 2020
SPOTLIGHT - You Are Mine" ~ RenéMarie "Here I am Lord" Concert - Easter Sunday April 12, 2020

SPOTLIGHT - You Are Mine" ~ RenéMarie "Here I am Lord" Concert - Easter Sunday April 12, 2020

SPOTLIGHT - You Are Mine" RenéMarie "Here I am Lord" Concert - Easter Sunday April 12, 2020 ( FACEBOOK LIVE) “Here I am Lord” Performance will move you, transform the moments, provide HOPE and bring healing to your soul! RenéMarie praises God our almighty Father, through the ministry of singing~ with a divine energy and creative passion! She worships our Lord for continuing to guiding her, providing the inner strength to follow her calling and to continue to honor the promise that she made to HIM when “HE spoke to her” ​ . All Ministries, Churches, Temples, Active Adult Communities, Assisted Livings, TV Shows plus... We are all ONE--- This Performance will move you, transform the moments, provide HOPE and bring healing to your soul! A portion of the donations go to RenéMaris Language of Love Foundations INC ReneMarie Language of Love Foundation INC ReneMarie Stroke of Luck Internet TV Show r Aphasia is a "silent" life changing effect of stroke or brain traumaDid you know that nearly 80% of Strokes can be prevented? May God bless you throughout your life, may you be healthy and be filled with PEACE, HOPE & LOVE.
SPOTLIGHT - "Here I am Lord" ~ RenéMarie "Here I am Lord" Concert - Easter Sunday April 12, 2020

SPOTLIGHT - "Here I am Lord" ~ RenéMarie "Here I am Lord" Concert - Easter Sunday April 12, 2020

SPOTLIGHT - "Here I am Lord" ~ RenéMarie "Here I am Lord" Concert - Easter Sunday April 12, 2020 ( Facebook Live) “Here I am Lord” Performance will move you, transform the moments, provide HOPE and bring healing to your soul! RenéMarie praises God our almighty Father, through the ministry of singing~ with a divine energy and creative passion! She worships our Lord for continuing to guiding her, providing the inner strength to follow her calling and to continue to honor the promise that she made to HIM when “HE spoke to her” ​ . All Ministries, Churches, Temples, Active Adult Communities, Assisted Livings, TV Shows plus... We are all ONE--- This Performance will move you, transform the moments, provide HOPE and bring healing to your soul! A portion of the donations go to RenéMaris Language of Love Foundations INC ReneMarie Language of Love Foundation INC ReneMarie Stroke of Luck Internet TV Show r Aphasia is a "silent" life changing effect of stroke or brain traumaDid you know that nearly 80% of Strokes can be prevented? May God bless you throughout your life, may you be healthy and be filled with PEACE, HOPE & LOVE.
ReneMarie Sings ~ Make Me a Channel of your Peace

ReneMarie Sings ~ Make Me a Channel of your Peace

ReneMarie Sings ~ Make Me a Channel of your Peace Make me a channel of your peace Where there is hatred let me bring your love Where there is injury, your pardon Lord And where there's doubt, true faith in you Make me a channel of your peace Where there's despair in life let me bring hope Where there is darkness, only light And where there's sadness ever joy Oh, master grant that I may never seek So much to be consoled as to console To be understood as to understand To be loved as to love with all my soul Make me a channel of your peace It isn't pardoning that we are pardoned In giving to all men let we receive And in dying that we're born to turn around RenéMarie is a professional Multi talented show stopping Entertainer, Keynote Speakers, Author, Language of Love Foundation President , Stroke Ambassador, Master of Ceremony and Internet TV Host ( Madhouse TV). Accompaniment from pre-recorded instrumentation to a complete 13 piece orchestra. Through her captivating voice, delivered with honesty and passion and coupled with her mesmerizing stage presence, she "connects" intimately and warmly with her audience! Tune in every other Saturday 1:00pm-2pm too be inspired by those of us, including ReneMarie, who have been challenged with Stroke / Aphasia. Also, Language of Love Telethon Updates, ReneMarie and other artists singing inspirational songs and messages from God. Her new venture delivers a message of Hope and Faith. This riveting mesmerizing story also describes her challenges and gift of experiencing a major stroke, April 8, 1989, along with the divine moment of RenéMarie's out of body experience and conversation with God. Plus, how her father, Ernest Testa, who crossed over on the same date , 23 years later, Easter Morning , April 8, 2012, is now a guiding force from Heaven. STROKE of Luck, book and internet TV Show will provide insight and plant the seeds of life coaching principles that will help you to enrich your awareness. Everyone has an inspiring story and we would love to hear yours! Email us at and you can join us on set and share yours!

Your Choice....Samples

Amazing Grace

i Can Only Imagine 

Yesterday Once More

Put your Hand in the Hand

God Provides

Over the Rainbow

That's What Friends Are For

Here I am Lord

Let There Be Peace on Earth

Spirit in the Sky

Make Me a Channel of your Peace

Let Me Call You Sweetheart

I have you say I love You in a Song 

I Can See Clearly Now

Let it Be

In My Life

Ava Maria

You've Got a Friend

Can't help Falling in Love

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