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LOVE :  The Key to Recovery

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love

.1 Corinthians 13:13

LOVE is the Key to Recovery! ~ ReneMarie's Stroke of Luck  TV Show

LOVE is the Key to Recovery! ~ ReneMarie's Stroke of Luck TV Show

Saturday, May 7th, ReneMarie's Stroke of Luck internet TV show has a very important topic! ~ Politics, Laws, Insurance And/Or Money Should Not Play A Part In Stroke Recovery! Our special guest Assemblyman Michael J. Fitzpatrick was elected to the Assembly, representing the 8th District, on November 5, 2002. Prior to the New York State Assembly, Mr. Fitzpatrick represented the people of Smithtown. Michael-J-Fitzpatrick Assemblyman Fitzpatrick serves as the Ranking Minority Member on the Housing Committee and is also a member of the Ways & Means, Higher Education and Labor committees. Mr. Fitzpatrick is an active member of the New York State Chapter of the American-Irish Legislators Society and is currently serving as secretary. Maintaining a presence in the private sector, whose vitally he strives to bolster as a legislator, Mr. Fitzpatrick is a Registered Associate with Morgan Stanley in its Port Jefferson branch. We're honored ( and grateful) to welcome Assemblyman Fitzpatrick to help us, the average person, understand how the political world operates. How the average person perceives politics. We look forward to understanding, how we can JOIN TOGETHER to make a Positive Difference in Congress / Legislation ~ within the Stroke and Aphasia world. Our Returning Guest Tracey Lawrence of Grand Family Planning is an innovator and entrepreneur. Her journey as a caregiver has been chronicled in her blog and led her to create a unique business called Grand Family Planning. Tracey is an independent and a humanist who seeks answers to life's challenges with humor and common sense. She has sponsored ReneMarie's Language of Love Foundation in her monthly charities for the Month of March, 2016.Tracey brings to the Table an understanding of the Challenges of being caught right in the middle of the Insurance and Recovery Process. Although we know, that it's a long winding road to address this topic - All the dynamics , all the legalities, all of the policy's, all of the laws... We have found that when you become aware of something ~ that needs to be addressed and changes need to be worked through - then it's our Responsibly to step up to the plate and do our part. However, we need to stay true to our code of ethics and to bring forth the Discussion through LOVE . We are grateful to Assemblyman Fitzpatrick and Tracey Lawrence for bringing their wisdom and experiences to our round table discussion . This is going to be a very important , interesting and impactful show. Join us...We can't wait to welcome you! With Heartfelt gratitude, RenéMarie
"Rewind" "Key to Recovery is ....LOVE" - ReneMarie Stroke of Luck -

"Rewind" "Key to Recovery is ....LOVE" - ReneMarie Stroke of Luck -

September 9, 2018 9:00 AM Rewind.... Broadcast Via YouTube and Stoke Of Luck Website Sunday, September 9th, 2018, ReneMarie Stroke of Luck Show broadcasting from 9 am thru 10 am from Village Connection Network will feature returning guest Assemblyman Michael Fitzpatrick and his lovely wife Lorana ! along with Stroke Survivor/Board Member of ReneMarie Language of Love Foundation Inc, Nancy Magrini Cavallone. Michael J. Fitzpatrick was elected to the Assembly, representing the 8th District, on November 5th 2002. Assemblyman Fitzpatrick serves as the Ranking Minority Member on the Housing Committee and is also a member of the Ways & Means, Higher Education and Labor committees. He is an active member of the New York State Chapter of the American-Irish Legislators Society and is currently serving as secretary. RenéMarie is very passionate and knowledgeable that LOVE is the key to recovery. You see, once you have been stricken with a trauma and your mind is in pieces, there is a fear of the unknown that is within you. Those around you need to very slowly and tenderly keep instilling in you that you are loved, and that everything is okay. You need to feel safe to allow the healing process to begin. She is convicted about the fact that the future in health care, insurance, politics and recovery should never play a part of recovery... LET'S START WITH LOVE. Our discussion will be on Assemblyman Fitzpatricks vision for the future in health care, insurance, politics and recovery and how the Language of Love Foundation (501(c)3 Organization for Stroke and Aphasia can partner with him to achieve future goals. We are so happy to have Assemblyman Fitzpatricks return to our round table conversation! Also in a Spotlight Segment, ReneMarie is going to humbly honor Senator John McCain and speak from her heart the understanding of the life challenges that the Senator endured. Although her struggles are no wear to the depth of Senator McCain but ReneMarie can relate to his journey through her life work. We all have our own Story.....YOU Won't want to miss this ! Stroke Survivor/Board Member of Language of Love Foundation Inc, Nancy Magrini Cavallone returns to our Broadcast to update on the 2019 Telethon , the impact that our Foundation's Team is making as well as to continue to share the life after stroke. ReneMarie and Nancy connected through the American Heart Association. Sharon Bean. Judy Marlow, was the beginning of the connections with the American Stroke Association and Sharon Bean. Nancy feels a connection to ReneMarie....and states, "Rene is one of the most warm, embracing, and wonderful both inside and out. Never judges . Always there to lend a hand. As a Stroke survivor, Rene has touched my life in so many ways. Not only Rene being a survivor but emotionally and spiritually. We share allot between us. The amazing people on this Journey who not only have contributed their time and resources. These people have taken a great interest in helping Rene achieve a goal of not only educating on Stroke and Aphasia but, letting everyone know this is a real issue in the world today that allot of us don't understand." to read more go to.... Lots of Exciting things happening ....!! The Stroke of Luck Show is Hosted by ReneMarie , Co-Hosted by Judy Marlow and returning Board member Nancy Magrini Cavallone. Here we go.... With Heartfelt gratitude, ReneMarie Stroke of Luck TV Team!
Amazing Grace~ ReneMarie Stroke of Luck ~ October 29, 2016

Amazing Grace~ ReneMarie Stroke of Luck ~ October 29, 2016

Cheers ......SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29TH, 2016, WORLD STROKE DAY... ReneMarie Stroke of Luck TV will broadcast from Madhouse TV Studio's 1 pm thru 2pm... Stroke and Aphasia Awareness Worldwide. Our show's objective is to acknowledge that Stroke is considered a Medical and a Global Emergency! We will review Stroke Symptoms and Signs, and Lifestyle Changes and Medicine so everyone can help save lives. Hosted and Produced by ReneMarie, with Judy Marlow and Nancy Magrini, featuring special guest STROKE Survivor Stacy Kaplan, who ReneMarie had a divine intervention at a Toastmaster Meeting ! At this meeting Stacy presented a Keynote Speaking Presentation - where she brought tears of emotions to all who attended and a strong understanding of how it Feels and the struggles to be a Stroke Survivor. YOU Don't want to miss this! Stacy, has taken her unexpected challenge and turned it into a mission and cause! An Amazing Story! Speaking of Amazing.... Special mention and Blessings \to STROKE Survivor Randy Travis ~After suffering a stroke three years ago, Randy Travis had to learn to walk and talk again. Two weeks ago he was inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame, where he stood onstage and sang- Amazing Grace. Amazing grace! How sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found; Was blind, but now I see. 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved ReneMarie will pay honor and tribute to Randy by singing - Amazing Grace on Today's Show! Join our team in fighting against stroke and bringing awareness to Aphasia . God Bless All! - Thank you God! Did you know that a stroke can happen to anyone at any age and it has no discrimination in who it affected? Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the United States and is the leading cause of disability. About 800,000 people in the United States have a stroke each year. On average one American dies from a stroke every 4 minutes. Devastating statistic! The positive news is that through awareness and knowledge ... up to 80% of Strokes can be prevented by living a healthy lifestyle and successfully treated by knowing the signs and getting help within a 4 ½ hour window. With YOUR HELP ... We Can save lives as well as support those who have been stricken with a Stroke or Brain trauma and/or Aphasia! RenéMarie herself had a Stroke at the age of 26, and suffered from Aphasia, a condition characterized by either partial or total loss of the ability to communicate verbally or using written words. Due to brain trauma, injury or Stroke, a person with Aphasia may have difficulty speaking, reading, writing, recognizing names of objects or understanding what people have said. After a long recovery, RenéMarie shared her experience in writing the book "Stroke of Luck", and is now giving back to the community and world through her Internet TV Show, Broadcast from the Madhouse Studio. WE need your help ... We CAN SAVE LIVES! For information about donations or sponsorship contact (Judy) at or RenéMarie at “We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill May God bless you throughout your life, may you be healthy and thank you in advance for your kind support in this endeavor.
We ARE Family - ReneMarie Stroke of Luck TV Show! - June 18, 2016

We ARE Family - ReneMarie Stroke of Luck TV Show! - June 18, 2016 Saturday, June 18th, 2016 ... ReneMarie Stroke of Luck Internet TV Show will feature returning guests Bob and Debbie Mandell from Florida ... for this exceptional show discussing his Stroke Research Foundation and their trip around the world bringing Stroke and Aphasia Awareness. They were last interviewed on the 2nd Annual ReneMarie Language of Love Telethon. Bob Mandell has a MS degree in Business from Penn State and a BBA from Pace University in New York City. Previous to his Stroke he was a Corporate Executive, a Partner in an International Management Consulting Firm, an Adjunct Instructor at Fairfield University and an Entrepreneur in several endeavors. After an 18 year battle to recover from a Massive Stroke at age 53, he has written a book entitled "Stroke Victor. In his book he describes how to go from a Stroke Victim to a Stroke Victor. Bob is not only a S troke Survivor, he is a Stroke Coach, Speaker, and Advocate. The ReneMarie Language of Love Team is honored to have Bob and Debbie back discussing their dedication to help others and their personal road back to a victorious future. Tune in every other Saturday 1:00pm-2pm too be inspired by those of us, including ReneMarie, who have been challenged with Stroke / Aphasia. Also, Language of Love Telethon Updates, ReneMarie and other artists singing inspirational songs and messages from God. Her new venture delivers a message of Hope and Faith. This riveting mesmerizing story also describes her challenges and gift of experiencing a major stroke, April 8, 1989, along with the divine moment of RenéMarie's out of body experience and conversation with God. Plus, how her father, Ernest Testa, who crossed over on the same date , 23 years later, Easter Morning , April 8, 2012, is now a guiding force from Heaven. STROKE of Luck, book and internet TV Show will provide insight and plant the seeds of life coaching principles that will help you to enrich your awareness. Everyone has an inspiring story and we would love to hear yours! Email us at and you can join us on set and share yours!

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